As a couples and marital counselor, infidelity is one of the common trends that comes up often. Clients often ask me if it’s possible to overcome infidelity within a relationship and the short answer is yes. However, there needs to be a desire to overcome it on both ends of the relationship and it takes a large amount of mental, emotional, and psychological work. There are three main factors are involved in overcoming infidelity: identifying, understanding, and resolving.
Read MoreIf you read my previous blog post, this is a continuation of risks for divorce. Isolated studies give us a general picture and idea of how likely your marriage is to end in any given year.
Read MoreI am still talking about marriage and relationships, and how to make them better. I’ll be referring to Dr. John Gottman’s Four Horsemen and how they negatively affect relationships, particularly the marital one. This blog will discuss how to avoid engaging in those negative behaviors and the antidotes to the Four Horsemen.
Read MoreNo matter how long you have been in the game – twenty years or just getting ready to tie the knot, there is always something that can be done to improve upon relationships within your life, especially the marital one.
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